Our Projects

Meta Max
4 min readJul 24, 2023
  1. A Greener World

As it is known, our world is facing a climate crisis in the near future. The main reason for this climate crisis is the increase in carbon gases released to nature. Research by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); showed that there was a historical increase in the rate of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in 2022 and that carbon dioxide emissions still constitute the biggest problem.

NOAA’s Global Observation Laboratory examined 14,000 air samples collected from observation stations in many parts of the world in 2022 in its laboratories in Colorado, USA. As a result of the study, the 3 greenhouse gases originating from human activities and having the highest impact on climate change; The increase in carbon dioxide, methane and nitric oxide in the atmosphere was revealed.

A Greener World

According to the data obtained, the global surface average of carbon dioxide increased by 2.13 parts per million (ppm) to 417.06 ppm in 2022, similar to the increase over the last 10 years. This figure is 50% higher than before the industrial revolution.

NOAAR searches carried out by international independent organizations such as these show us that if we do not reduce carbon emissions in the near future, the world will get warmer, the melting in the poles will also increase, and as a result, it will be an inevitable end that global disasters will increase.

The original purpose of Meta Max (MMX) Token is to implement the “A Greener World” project in order to prevent this climate crisis. As it is known, Block Networks release a large amount of carbon to the nature. Our primary goal will be to establish our own blockchain network using energy systems that are completely renewable and emit zero carbon to nature. In this way, we aim to set an example for other blockchain networks and encourage them to use renewable energy systems.

While Meta Max is taking concrete steps in this regard, it will be our priority to plant 1 million saplings within the scope of “A Greener World” project in the first place by donating some of the revenues to international platforms that support nature such as Green Peace.

After this stage, Meta Max, after completing the institutionalization process, will establish the MMX Foundation and support projects such as renewable energy, solar energy and solar energy through this foundation and will personally work for the proliferation of these projects.

2. MMX Shopping Platform

Meta Max Shopping Platform

We aim to establish a shopping platform to further increase the use of Meta Max. This shopping platform will be at an international level that can be used all over the country. A wallet where users can transfer MMX Token will be active within the platform after their approved membership. Thus, the user will be able to easily transfer the MMX Token in his hand to this platform and carry out purchases/sells on this platform with MMX currency.

After installing this platform, we will create a stable token linked to MMX Token to ensure a fixed price rate of transactions. In this way, all transactions will be fixed in USD and all transactions will be made securely with a fixed exchange rate.

With this project, we aim to increase the interest in MMX Token, to increase the supply, thus to make it more valuable and to become a currency used by everyone.

3. The Blockchain and the Metaverse World

We aim to establish our own blockchain network in order to manage all our projects more efficiently and to provide a better service to our investors. Thus, all our transactions will be more efficient, faster, cheaper, safer and more controllable in our own blockchain. We think that this will increase our efficiency and increase the interest in MMX Token and become the focus of attention of larger investors.

Our blockchain network will primarily work in full integration with the Metaverse world. With the MMX Token, which is fully integrated into the Metaverse world, which aims to combine virtual reality with the real world in the future, we aim to be a currency that bridges the real world and virtual reality, so that all monetary transactions are made with MMX Token.

In this way, MMX owners will be able to use monetary transactions from both the shopping platforms we have established in the real world and the Metaverse world at the same time.

4. MMX Foundation

After completing the institutionalization process, we aim to establish the MMX Foundation. This foundation will support the “A Greener World” project with some of the revenues it receives from MMX and the donations it collects, and will work for the development of this project.



Meta Max

We Are Entering the Metaverse Universe, the new world of the future! The Whole Future Will Be Shaped Here.